Our subsidiary in Ecuador with the support of Baker Hughes (Now Waygate Technologies), gave a theoretical-practical course on remote visual inspection (RVI) with advanced measurement techniques, where the main companies in Ecuador of the Aeronautical, Oil & Gas, and Power Generation sectors, were present, and learned best practices to perform reliable inspections in critical applications such as the visual inspection of turbines, engines and compressors.

This course showed the benefits of the new 3D Measurement technology of the Waygate Technologies brand Mentor Visual iQ video borescope, which allows making transcendental decisions correctly and saving large maintenance costs to avoid unscheduled stops thanks to the unique capabilities of this technology as: visualization and rotation of three-dimensional point cloud for the verification of the measurements made on the discontinuities that can potentially generate catastrophic failures.
The course was taught by the Waygate Technologies specialist for Latin America in remote visual inspection, the Engineer Wagner Romano, who granted certificates of participation to the 57 assistants of large and prestigious industrial companies in Ecuador: Petroecuador, Petroamazonas, Celec, Tame EP, Latam, Worlding SA, DIAF, Halliburton, Comeind, IAV, ENDE, Mantomain, Primax and the Ecuadorian Air Force.

The commitment of our subsidiary to the Ecuadorian industry has made this activity possible, which was specially designed for the benefit of the country through the training of professionals who have the responsibility to guarantee the operational integrity of the critical assets that determine the productive capacity of these companies, which play an important role in the economy of Ecuador.
Second day of the course.
On the second day, our team in Ecuador carried out a demonstration in the field of Phase 3D Measurement technology with Waygate Technologies Mentor Visual IQ video borescope. This demonstration was carried out in the TAME EP hangars, and counted with the participation of 9 inspectors from TAME EP and the DIAF, together with Waygate specialist in remote visual inspection (RVI) for Latin America, Ing. Wagner Romano.
The activity consisted of the technical turbine inspection of a General Electric brand CF34 engine, belonging to an AIRBUS model aircraft of the TAME EP airline, with the aim of comparing the measurements obtained with conventional techniques such as stereo measurement, versus those obtained with the measurement technology phase 3D. For this, some critical discontinuities that commonly occur in the different stages of an aircraft engine were detected and dimensioned, such as: cracks, fractures, wear, among others.
When performing the measurements with the 3D technique, considerably more precise and exact measurements were obtained thanks to the ability of this technique to verify the positioning of the measurement cursors through the visualization and rotation of the three-dimensional cloud of points that are generated with each image taken.
In this way, it was possible to verify the positive impact that this technology causes on the ability of aeronautical inspectors to make correct decisions, because by correctly measuring each defect it is possible to extend the useful life of the engines, reduce the risks of failure of the same, and reduce maintenance costs considerably.