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by Guided Ultrasonics LTD.


The WavePro4™ guided wave analysis software runs on a Windows based operating system and interfaces with the Wavemaker® G4 series instruments.

The software assists with the collection of data, the validation and analysis of the data, and the reporting of the results. Its many features simplify and speed up the inspector’s tasks while exploiting the full potential of guided wave screening, using GUL’s large variety of transduction systems. The software continues to evolve to bring new features that enhance the capabilities of guided wave screening.

A perpetual licence for use of the software is included in the price of the Wavemaker® G4 & G4mini. A special standalone analysis version (that is not tied to a Wavemaker® instrument) is also available for purchase.


  • Windows Operating System.
  • Rapid Data Processing.
  • Data File Organizer.
  • User Friendly.
  • Quick Schematic.
  • Advanced Data Quality Checks.
  • Multiple Connection Interface Option.
  • Report Generator.
  • Routine Software Updates


The WavePro4™ guided wave analysis software runs on a Windows based operating system and interfaces with the Wavemaker® G4 series instruments.

  • Windows Operating System.
  • Rapid Data Processing.
  • Data File Organizer.
  • User Friendly.
Basic Features
Software Extensions
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The software assists with the collection of data, the validation and analysis of the data, and the reporting of the results. Its many features simplify and speed up the inspector’s tasks while exploiting the full potential of guided wave screening, using GUL’s large variety of transduction systems. The software continues to evolve to bring new features that enhance the capabilities of guided wave screening.

A perpetual licence for use of the software is included in the price of the Wavemaker® G4 & G4mini. A special standalone analysis version (that is not tied to a Wavemaker® instrument) is also available for purchase.


Other features

Quick Schematic
Advanced Data Quality Checks
Multiple Connection Interface Option
Report Generator
Routine Software Updates

Amplitude Scan(A-Scan)

The main features of the A-Scan are the Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC) curves, symmetric (black) signals and the non-symmetric (red) signals.These features provide information about the type of features or defects, including their location along the inspected pipe length and an estimated cross-sectional change.

Report Generator

Once the data has been analysed by a trained inspector, the data can be automatically compiled into a single report which would include the A-scans, reflection annotations and operator notes.The report can be output to either PDF, Word Document or Excel Spreadsheet format for flexibility.

Software Extensions (Licenced per Instrument):

Unrolled Pipe Display (EFC)

Enhanced Focusing Capability (EFC) Processing Licence activates the advanced post-processing data analysis which involves generating a digital image of the unrolled pipe (C-Scan).Through the C-Scan, the defects and pipe features can be easily located, including their orientation around the pipe circumference.

Absolute Calibration

The absolute calibration licence activates the processing functionality required for automatic amplitude calibration and reverberation simulation. It calculates the DAC amplitude levels, resulting in accurate assessment of indications. The software checks whether absolute calibration is valid for a given guided wave result.The simulated reverberation feature will also assist our operators with the identification of false echoes through the use of advanced signal processing.

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