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Phascope PMP10 Duplex

Phascope PMP10 Duplex

of Fischer


Using phase-sensitive measurement techniques, the PMP10 and PMP10 DUPLEX are also suitable for coating thickness measurement on rough surfaces or for nickel layers on steel.

The PMP10 DUPLEX is the ideal solution for the automotive industry, where the coating thicknesses of paint on aluminum or galvanized steel must be measured. The device measures both layers precisely in a single operation, thereby saving both time and money. PMP10 is especially well-suited for the electroplating or circuit board industry, for checking electrically conductive layers on various substrates.


  • Precise coating thickness measurement of nickel, zinc or copper on steel, even with rough surfaces, by means of phase-sensitive measurement techniques
  • Measurement of paint on galvanized steel in a single procedure using the DUPLEX version
  • Subsequent processing of the measured values is easy with Fischer DataCenter software
  • Robust handheld measurement device for testing directly onsite


Using phase-sensitive measurement techniques, the PMP10 and PMP10 DUPLEX are also suitable for coating thickness measurement on rough surfaces or for nickel layers on steel.

The PMP10 DUPLEX is the ideal solution for the automotive industry, where the coating thicknesses of paint on aluminum or galvanized steel must be measured. The device measures both layers precisely in a single operation, thereby saving both time and money. PMP10 is especially well-suited for the electroplating or circuit board industry, for checking electrically conductive layers on various substrates.

  • Precise coating thickness measurement of nickel, zinc or copper on steel, even with rough surfaces, by means of phase-sensitive measurement techniques
  • Measurement of paint on galvanized steel in a single procedure using the DUPLEX version
  • Subsequent processing of the measured values is easy with Fischer DataCenter software
  • Robust handheld measurement device for testing directly onsite
Coating Thickness Gauges fischer-PhascopePMP10Duplex-mcscorpusa
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Nickel on steel, copper on iron or on bronze
Non-ferrous metals on non-conductive substrates, e.g. copper on circuit boards
Two-layer applications such as paint on aluminum or galvanized steel (only PMP10 DUPLEX)
Thermally sprayed aluminum (TSA) on steel
Especially suitable for curved geometries, convex and concave measuring stations and rough surfaces
With special probes for inter-layer connection holes in circuit boards
Coatings in the micrometer range on non-ferrous metals, iron or steel
Multi-layer systems consisting of single layers in the micrometer range

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