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Floormap X: Improving Efficiency While Enhancing Performance

As an NDT solutions provider, our allied Eddyfi Technologies would be serving an injustice if they did not invest in product development ultimately leading to a safer world. The Floormap family possibly has the deepest roots of all our products with its evolution starting over 30 years ago. In 1990, TFT or Tank Floor Scanner was the first Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) tool commercially available. Continuous innovation birthed better and...

What is industrial ultrasonic?

Industrial ultrasonics is a non-destructive test, classified as an inspection method that is based on the ultrasonic waves that propagate within the material. In the past, a surface was hit with an object and the sound it emitted was heard by the technician or person in charge of carrying out the inspection to proceed with its repair, but clearly, at that time the execution of the method was not very...

Corrosion Problems and Solutions

The protection of steel using different surface coatings has been a practice ever since steel was more commonly used as construction material in the world. Analysts believe that protective coats today represent sales of over nine billion US dollars per year and that this figure will have increased to fifteen billion within less than 5 years. Where there is steel, there is corrosion and also the corrosion-related spending has risen...
Solutions for Mining and Rail

NDT Solutions for Mining and Rail

There are problems in the railway and mining sector related to the probability of detection of failures in a conventional ultrasonic inspection and many technicians are not sufficiently trained in advanced ultrasonic methods to operate equipment with phase array. In the railway sector, it is essential to inspect the railroad tracks and wheels (or axles); if inspections are performed from the shaft side surfaces, methods such as ultrasound (UT) or...

Nikon microscope allows highly efficient rock sample categorization

Fieldwork forms the core of CASP’s work. This not only involves field descriptions and photographs of rock outcrops, but also the collection of samples for analytical work back in Cambridge. In the CASP laboratory, microscopy is a core element of the research work to enable the samples that have been collected to be studied and categorised. When it was established in 1975, CASP focused on geological research in sedimentary basins...
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As an NDT solutions provider, our allied Eddyfi Technologies would be serving an injustice if they did not invest in...
Industrial ultrasonics is a non-destructive test, classified as an inspection method that is based on the ultrasonic waves that propagate...
The protection of steel using different surface coatings has been a practice ever since steel was more commonly used as...
There are problems in the railway and mining sector related to the probability of detection of failures in a conventional...
Fieldwork forms the core of CASP’s work. This not only involves field descriptions and photographs of rock outcrops, but also...
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