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Hardness Tester HZ50-4

Hardness Tester HZ50-4

of Presi


Optical quality, reliability, robustness and precision : Hardness tester by Presi HZ50-4. Fully automatic and noiseless, the PRESI hardness tester is equipped with two load cells, allowing it to apply loads from 10g to 50 kg.

Very rigid, thanks to the chassis design, the PRESI hardness tester ensures perfect application of the load. In order to facilitate the pattern placement, the tester is equipped with two cameras to produce macroscopic and microscopic views. The motorized stage accepts samples up to 150 kg. Designed in marble, it gives it a very good flatness and huge longevity. The working area is identified on the marble. Ergonomic, the PRESI hardness tester is driven by a joystick, with quick access buttons.


  • Automatic detection of samples without marking the surface
  • Autofocus
  • Automatic or manual measurement of indents (on etched sample or not)
  • Single indent, regular or irregular patterns, mapping
  • Multi-sample


Optical quality, reliability, robustness and precision : Hardness tester by Presi HZ50-4. Fully automatic and noiseless, the PRESI hardness tester is equipped with two load cells, allowing it to apply loads from 10g to 50 kg.

Very rigid, thanks to the chassis design, the PRESI hardness tester ensures perfect application of the load. In order to facilitate the pattern placement, the tester is equipped with two cameras to produce macroscopic and microscopic views. The motorized stage accepts samples up to 150 kg. Designed in marble, it gives it a very good flatness and huge longevity. The working area is identified on the marble. Ergonomic, the PRESI hardness tester is driven by a joystick, with quick access buttons.

  • Automatic detection of samples without marking the surface
  • Autofocus
  • Automatic or manual measurement of indents (on etched sample or not)
  • Single indent, regular or irregular patterns, mapping
  • Multi-sample
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