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ElvaX Plus

ElvaX Plus



Meet the new XRF standard

ElvaX Plus spectrometer is a desktop energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analyzer with extended element range from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92). The Helium purge system and the automatic primary filter changer combined with the large area SDD detector are used to allow effective registration of the light elements spectra. ElvaX Plus spectrometer is used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the elemental composition of metal alloys, liquids, powders, food and biological samples, as well as samples deposited on surfaces or filters, in a wide range of element concentrations. Analyzer’s detecting limit is better than 1 ppm for most elements in a light matrix.


  • Accuracy.
  • Speed.
  • Stability.


Meet the new XRF standard

ElvaX Plus spectrometer is a desktop energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analyzer with extended element range from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92). The Helium purge system and the automatic primary filter changer combined with the large area SDD detector are used to allow effective registration of the light elements spectra. ElvaX Plus spectrometer is used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the elemental composition of metal alloys, liquids, powders, food and biological samples, as well as samples deposited on surfaces or filters, in a wide range of element concentrations. Analyzer’s detecting limit is better than 1 ppm for most elements in a light matrix.

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Data Sheet



With powerful hardware and unique software algorithms, the ElvaX Plus offers the highest precision and accuracy of elemental analysis for a wide range of materials


Dynamically Adaptive Shaping (DAS) DPP developed by Elvatech combined with the Fast SDD detector makes the ElvaX Plus the fastest XRF analyzer on the market


Thanks to the digiX-50 digital X-Ray source, automatic temperature and pressure correction, and automatic calibration adjustment, ElvaX Plus offers long-life reproducibility of the analysis without the need to re-calibrate the system


  • World’s fastest XRF analyzer (throughput above 400 000 cps) – highest accuracy and excellent precision within the shortest measurement time
  • Wide element detection range from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92)
  • Helium purge feature improves sensitivity to light elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S)
  • Excellent calibration stability, compensation of ambient temperature and pressure variations
  • Optional 16-position automatic sample changer increases productivity of your lab
  • Optional high-resolution CCD camera for precise sample positioning
  • Low maintenance cost

ElvaX Plus is a simple and powerful device to quickly do analytical jobs on a daily basis for the widest range of applications.

ElvaX Plus combines powerful analytical software toolkit with an easy-to-use interface, allowing even novice operators to perform any necessary measurements in minutes.


  • PMI
  • RoHS and Weee
  • Sulfur in Oil
  • Mining and Exploration
  • Soil and sediment
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Cement
  • Clays and Oxyde
  • Archeometry


Digital X-Ray Source digiX-50

Anode: W, Rh, Ag
Voltage: 50 kV
Power: 5 W
5 position filter changer


DPP: proprietory DAS (Dynamically Adaptive Shaping) type, 80 MHz sampling rate
MCA: 4096 channels

X-Ray Detector

Type: Fast SDD
Area: 25 mm2
Energy resolution: 140 eV at Mn Kα, 85 eV at Al Kα
Count rate: 500 000 cps


Dimensions: 430 х 340 х 200 mm
Weight: 18 kg
Power supply: 90 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption: 40 W


Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Analysis algorithms: Fundamental parameters (FPA), Empirical (regression) calibrations, Manual spectra comparison

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Fast and Precise

The superior throughput, which is provided by state of the art DAS DPP, makes it possible to get the highest accuracy analysis results in just a few seconds.

Wide Applications Range

ElvaX Plus is a multipurpose lab instrument for elemental analysis of solids, powders, liquids in a variety of analytical applications.

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